'Stranger Things' to end with season 4?

The following story is laced with spoilers from Stranger Things Season 3 — proceed at your own peril.

In addition to strongly hinting that David Harbour’s Hopper was indeed alive, the post-credits sequence in Stranger Things‘ Season 3 finale also served as something of a covert renewal announcement.

While Netflix has yet to officially order a fourth season of the ’80s-themed phenom, the cliffhanger-y tag at the end of Season 3’s eighth episode all but confirms that Stranger Things will be back. Not that there was ever any real doubt.

“Season Four is definitely happening,” exec producer told Collider last year.

The bigger question is whether Season 4 will be the series’ swan song. “There’s very much the possibility of a [Season 5],” Levy noted, before adding, “That’s currently undecided.”

There’s little mystery as to which way series creators Matt and Ross Duffer are leaning. In a 2017 interview with Vulture, Ross revealed, “We’re thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out.” Matt, meanwhile, echoed his brother’s stance, admitting, “I don’t know if we can justify something bad happening to them once a year.”
