Fox Nation's Tomi Lahren calls abortion ban 'too restrictive': 'It doesn't save life'


Conservative pundit Tomi Lahren, a host on Fox Nation, is speaking out against Alabama's abortion bill.

"I will be attacked by fellow conservatives for saying this but so be it, this Alabama abortion ban is too restrictive," Lahren, 26, tweeted Thursday. "It doesn’t save life, it simply forces women into more dangerous methods, other states or countries. You don’t encourage life via blanket government mandate!"

The tweet quickly generated a massive reaction, including one calling her "anti-Christian": "Nothing 'dangerous' about Christ and placing a quarter between your knees," the person wrote.

In response, Lahren fired back, "If you think banning abortion with no exception for rape or incest will stop women from terminating pregnancy, you're not being honest with yourself. P.S. you're not God so don't you dare evaluate my Christian faith based on your moral superiority complex."

Although many were surprised by Lahren's statements, she's voiced her opinions on reproductive rights before. During an appearance on "The View" in 2017, she called herself pro-choice, citing her preference for limited government. "Listen, I am not glorifying abortion. I don't personally advocate for it," she tweeted later. "I just don't think it's the government's place to dictate."

She continued, "I speak my truth. If you don't like it, tough ... Conservatives don't have to exist in a monolith and share the same brain on every issue."

Her comments allegedly motivated Glenn Beck to fire her from the Blaze, the conservative media platform that helped propel her to national fame.
