Katie Couric calls out Bryant Gumbel in misogynist 1991 clip talking about maternity leave


In a resurfaced 1991 segment from the "Today" show, Bryant Gumbel hounded Katie Couric about taking maternity leave. At the time, Couric was due to give birth to her firstborn daughter, Elinor Monahan.

The longtime NBC host shared the cringe-worthy clip in her Katie Couric Media Wake-Up Call newsletter, which instantly sparked outrage on behalf of Gumbel's disturbing responses during their exchange.

"I was about to go on maternity leave and let’s just say, Bryant Gumbel didn’t quite get it...It’s pretty shocking to watch it now, 28 years later!" Couric shared in her newsletter.

During the conversation, Bryant asked "why so long?" after Couric said she'd be taking nine weeks off.

“I’m going to relax for three weeks, as much as you can relax when you’re carrying around 30 extra pounds," she replied. Then, hopefully I’ll have the baby and everything. It’s a major shock to your body, I hope you realize, when you have a baby. And it takes a while to get back to normal and get on a schedule.”

“Your ancestors didn’t worry about that shock to your body. They came right back and worked,” Gumbel responded.

“And they died when they were, like, 32 years old,” Couric said.

“You’re 34; what are you worried about?” he replied.

Further along in the video, the current host of "Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel" continued to criticize Couric for taking maternity leave.

"The guys have the harder part. There's two rules you've got to remember: Number one, the guy is always right," he said.

USA Today recently reached out to Couric, where she said her current relationship with Gumbel is "very friendly."

"I think that times have changed so much, but I do think there's a lot of implicit bias against moms," Couric told the outlet. "I think it's important to make sure your employer is up on the times and that women aren't penalized, consciously or unconsciously when they have children."
