'Welcome to Marwen' cast and crew discusses film in exclusive featurette: Watch


"It's just never been seen before!"

That's how Janelle Monáe describes the way in which Universal Pictures' upcoming film "Welcome to Marwen" uses technology to tell the true story of Mark Hogancamp, played by Steve Carell.

"'Welcome to Marwen' is an inspiring story of an artist trying to heal himself by creating an alter-ego doll world of people who care for him in real life," director, co-writer and producer Robert Zemeckis explained in a featurette exclusively available on AOL. "The inspiration for me to make this film was to figure out a way to take these doll characters in Mark's imagination and bring them to life, while not losing the emotion and essence of the actor who portrays them."

In the clip at the top of the page, listen to Carell, Monae and Mann, among others, talk about the wonderful world that "Welcome to Marwen" creates, and check out the film when it's released in theaters on Friday, December 21.
