Jimmy Kimmel & Stephen Colbert mock Donald Trump over heated press conference

One day after the midterm elections, President Donald Trump held a contentious and aggressive press conference that saw the 72-year-old world leader lash out at reporters -- particularly CNN's Jim Acosta -- with verbal jabs and muttered insults.

The sparring between Trump and Acosta (as well as nearly every other reporter in the room) was total late night comedy fodder that gave Jimmy Kimmel, Stephen Colbert, and James Corden more than enough material to fill their monologues.

Kimmel devoted perhaps the most time to replaying clips from the unusual press conference, starting with Trump's decision to hurl insults at Republican candidates who lost their election bids the night before.

"The president was in a foul and spiteful way this morning. His first order of businesses was calling out all the Republican losers who didn't embrace him," said Kimmel, playing a clip of Trump reading out a list of names in an attempt to shame the politicians for not accepting his help during their campaigns. "He is an absolute child. He really is."

After playing an extended clip of Trump's now-infamous fight with Acosta, Kimmel quipped, "Did somebody not get his Snickers bar this morning? If Donald Trump ever ends up on money, it should be a sock full of nickels you use to beat people with."

However, it wasn't only Acosta who found himself on the receiving end of the president's verbal truncheon, as seen in a montage Kimmel played showing a short-tempered Trump's multiple tirades and insults just from this morning's conference.

"I hope somebody had the sense to hide the nuclear button today," Kimmel joked.

Colbert also addressed the sparring between Trump and Acosta , which even saw a female White House intern attempt to physically remove the mic from the veteran reporter's hands, to no avail.

"Did you see that woman try to grab Jim Acosta's mic? She tried to snatch it right out of his hand. She looked like a wedding DJ who just realized the best man in loaded," Colbert said.

The Late Show host later played a clip from a different part of the press conference in which another reporter fact-checked in real time the president's claim that his poll numbers are high among African-American voters, revealing that most polls put his approval rating among the demographic at around eight percent.

"Technically, it's gone down to seven percent since Kanye got out of politics," Colbert quipped.

Corden opened The Late Late Show by reflecting on Trump's behavior at the conference, playing a montage, similar to the one Kimmel aired, of the president's most contentious remarks.

"I think he's taking losing the House very well," Corden said sarcastically. "For a guy who's dodged the draft five times, Trump sure seems to love combat."

"Sure, he's incredible on Twitter, but the material really comes to life when he's performing it live," Corden added with a laugh.

Following Wednesday's battle between Trump and Acosta, the CNN reporter's White House press pass was revoked, a shocking development that occurred after most of the late night talk shows had already taped.


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