'The View': Neil Patrick Harris calls out Whoopi Goldberg for comment she made 30 years ago


Neil Patrick Harris and Whoopi Goldberg shared a hilariously awkward moment on Wednesday's episode of "The View."

As the actor was discussing his children with the co-hosts of the ABC talk show, Goldberg suddenly started giggling to herself at her end of the table. "I'm laughing because I remember you at that age," she explained.

The moment prompted a memory from 30 years ago of working with the television personality on the first movie of his career, 1988's "Clara's Heart."

"You know, I did my first movie ever with Whoopi Goldberg -- a movie called 'Clara's Heart' -- and we worked together on that," he said. "And she told me -- I was 15, 16 years old -- she told me on my last day of shooting that in 10 years time she was going to have sex with me."

The reveal prompted laughter, gasps and then a quick uncomfortable silence from the audience. Your move, Whoopi.

"I might've!" she exclaimed. "He had many questions as a kid, so I said, 'Listen, wait 10 years, and I'll take you through it.' In those days, you could actually have some fun like that. You can't do that now. People get very upset now."

"Hey, I was not offended," Harris responded. "I'm looking forward to it."

"Well, if I can find it, you can have it!" Whoopi shot back.

People on Twitter were definitely confused by the exchange, with one person saying, "Well that was... INCREDIBLY AWKWARD!!!"

Others questioned Harris' motives in bringing up the conversation all these years later, especially in this climate.

"This will undoubtedly lead to Whoopi being crucified," another person wrote. "I just wanna know if that is indeed what @ActuallyNPH was aiming for or was it brought up humorously?"

"Disgusting!" someone else chimed in. "Glad he confronted her about it."

Watch the full moment below:
