Pete Davidson bashes Kanye West on 'SNL's' 'Weekend Update'

Kanye West probably won’t be tweeting any longer about how much fun he had last week on “Saturday Night Live.” Pete Davidson mercilessly lashed into the rapper on “Weekend Update,” saying that Kanye’s mental health issues are “not an excuse to act like a jackass.”

Davidson said that West’s performance touting Donald Trump on stage after the program was over the previous week was “one of the worst, one of the most awkward, things I’ve ever seen while working here.”

He denied West’s claims that he was bullied for wearing his red MAGA hat on set. “He wore it all week,” Davidson added. “Nobody told him not to wear it.”

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West, who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, said in a recent TMZ Live interview that he had stopped taking medication for his condition. Davidson, who has often talked about his own struggles with mental health issues, said that West should be back on his meds.

“Take ’em,” said Davidson. “There’s no shame in the medicine game. I’m on ’em. It’s great.”

He added: “Being mentally ill is not an excuse to act like a jackass. I’m quoting my therapist, my mom and my mailman.”

Davidson then donned his own red hat, reading: “Make Kanye 2006 Again.”

Watch Davidson let loose in the video above.
