Artist puts prison bars over Donald Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star


President Donald Trump’s oft-vandalized star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame is the subject of another protest.

British-born street artist Plastic Jesus on Wednesday morning placed a sidewalk version of prison bars atop the star, which was replaced in July following a pickax attack.

“Today I put @realDonaldTrump behind bars,” the artist wrote on Twitter.

The artist emailed photographs of the bars to HuffPost later Wednesday:

He also shared footage and additional photos of the stunt to Instagram:

“There have been calls to jail Trump since the day he was elected, and today he was certainly put behind bars,” Plastic Jesus wrote in the email.

“Although it was very quickly damaged by a Trump supporter trying to remove it the bars did appear to be stuck fast and were there several hours later ― to the amusement of thousands of passing tourists,” he added.

The artist did not immediately respond to HuffPost’s request for further comment.

In 2016, Plastic Jesus protested Trump’s proposed U.S.-Mexico border barrier by constructing a tiny wall around the star:

And in August, he added child-sized bulletproof vests to displays in stores across Los Angeles to make a point about deadly school shootings.

Trump’s star, installed in 2007, has been attacked by vandals and street artists repeatedly since he took office. West Hollywood City Council voted unanimously over the summer for its removal, but the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which controls the Walk of Fame, says it has never taken away a star.

Trump was awarded the star for work on the Miss Universe pageant.

Trump's Walk of Fame star was also recently destroyed:

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
