Michael B. Jordan surprises Philadelphia teen who took cardboard cutout of him to prom

After a Philadelphia teen took a cardboard cutout of actor Michael B. Jordan to prom in the spring, he surprised her in person.

Audeva Agyeman, 17, and her date, a life-size cardboard cutout of the "Black Panther" star, caused a lot of laughs at St. Hubert Catholic High School prom back in April.

But it looks like Agyeman got the last laugh as Jordan surprised the teen earlier this summer while filming another installment of "Creed."

“'Creed' [staff] DM’ed me on Twitter and asked me if I wanted to be part of a fan type of interview thing,” Agyeman told InsideEdition.com. “They reassured me that Michael wouldn’t be there, so I was kind of disappointed.”

The teen was driven to Sun Center Studios in Aston, Pennsylvania, where Jordan himself surprised her.

“They were asking me questions and I could tell something was off, but I wasn’t sure what it was,” Agyeman said. “After a while they were like, ‘Oh, so was the cutout about that tall?' referencing behind me and then I turned around and he was there and then I [was] freaking out.”

In a video of the moment, Agyeman appears absolutely stunned when she realizes the actor is behind her.

“When I first saw him it didn’t register….” the teen said. “And then I was, ‘Oh it’s Michael B. Jordan.’ I am, like, jumping around. I am falling over. And he’s, like, over there waiting to hug me and I am all the way on the other side of the room freaking out.”

Agyeman said her friends now wish they'd taken cardboard cutouts of Jordan to prom too if it meant meeting the actor.

The teen said she's planning to ask him to her senior prom in May of next year.

“It’s not confirmed but I am definitely going to reach for it!” she said.
