Tuning out? Julie Chen worries TV career in jeopardy amid husband’s sex scandal

The Talk anchor Julie Chen is worried her career will be collateral damage as her husband’s reputation goes up in flames.

Chen’s supposedly better half of 14 years, CBS President and CEO Les Moonves, has been a prominent voice in the #MeToo movement — and yet is the latest Hollywood honcho to join the slew of men accused of sexual harassment.

After six women came forward to call out Moonves, 68, on his sexual advances — four describing “forcible touching or kissing during business meetings” and two revealing that Moonves “threatened to derail their careers” — Chen, 48, is stoically standing by her husband, calling him “a good man and a loving father, devoted husband and inspiring corporate leader.”

But TV sources told RadarOnline.com that Chen is crumbling behind the scenes.

“She is in the same position as Harvey Weinstein’s fashion designer wife: After he went down, no one wanted to wear her clothes,” said an insider. “Julie is talented, but her career is so tied to Les’ that if he gets fired, she’s in big trouble, too.”

She's terrified that if Moonves goes down, “so will their show,” added the insider.

But in the meantime, many at CBS are all smiles, including those who have “had to kiss Julie’s ass for years,” noted the source. “If Les is out, no one has to be extra nice to Julie anymore.”
