Ryan Seacrest accidentally wore his girlfriend’s shirt and was proud of the look

The couple that shares a closet stays together!

Ryan Seacrest isn’t afraid to reveal his most embarrassing moments. The 43-year-old TV host and mogul producer of Keeping Up With the Kardashians appeared on Wednesday’s Tonight Show where he opened up about one mishap he had when traveling back and forth between the coasts for work.

“I went back to L.A. last weekend and I get very few nights off with my girlfriend, and I said, ‘Hey, let’s do a date night. I’m going to barbecue,’” he recalled.

Things were going well until Seacrest went to go look for some clothes in the closet and found a shirt he hadn’t seen before.

“I pull it out and I feel it and I’m like, ‘God, I don’t know why I didn’t bring this to New York this is great!’ It’s very soft. It’s got a nice dip….like a deep summer dip,” he said as host Jimmy Fallon laughed. “So I put it on and I’m standing by the grill, and I say, ‘Hey, babe, what kind of kebab would you like?’”

Turns out, Seacrest’s girlfriend, Shayna Taylor, wasn’t impressed by his look.

“She says, ‘Why are you wearing my shirt?’” he recalled. “I was wearing her shirt, and I was actually kind of proud of it. #WhyIShouldBeSingle.”

Another awkward moment Seacrest proudly talked about was the reaction to his Drake “In My Feelings” challenge video.

“I go up on a rooftop in New York, and I put on my best music video outfit, no dip to this,” he quipped. “I’m so proud of it and I’m not a good dancer, but I’m so proud. So, I post it. I’ve never been shamed so much in my life. I didn’t want to leave the apartment.”

He then claimed that despite the Internet shaming, some good did come out of Seacrest’s video.

“The only good that came out of it was I got this urgent email from Drake Enterprises. ‘Hey, we saw your moves. We’d like to put it in the music video,’” he said, before joking, “I knew that was coming.”
