Jimmy Kimmel tries to end feud with Sean Hannity; apologizes for joke

Jimmy Kimmel on Sunday said he wanted the feud between himself and Sean Hannity to end. He also apologized for a joke about the First Lady, of which some, including the Fox News host, took offense.

The late night host said it was "fun" to exchange jabs with Hannity, but ultimately, it was doing more harm than good, calling the building animosity between the men and their fans "harmful to our country."

The two went after one another on their shows and over social media after Kimmel last week mocked Melania Trump reading a children’s book to kids at the White House Easter Egg Hunt.

Hannity blasted Kimmel, saying he went too far.

"The first lady of the United States is not going to get into a feud with a late-night, low-rated talk show host like Jimmy Kimmel," Hannity said. "She can't. If she does, it's not going to end well for her. So, he knows he has a free, open target."

Calling his impression of the First Lady a "silly aside," Kimmel said he was wrong to target her for a joke.

"Mrs. Trump almost certainly has enough to worry about without being used as a prop to increase TV ratings," he wrote.

See photos of Melania Trump: