Kathy Griffin debuts her Kellyanne Conway impression on Comedy Central's 'President Show': Watch


It can be tricky to impersonate people who already act like characters -- but Kathy Griffin did her best with Kellyanne Conway, the White House's oft-criticized Counselor to the President, on Comedy Central's "The President Show" Tuesday night.

Conway has made fewer TV appearances in recent months, but during and after the 2016 campaign, she was repeatedly chided for twisting words to give just about anything a positive or negative spin.

"Kellyanne's the best -- she has absolutely no conscience," said Anthony Atamunik as President Trump, bragging that she can defend even the most vile people in history. Like, for example, Bernie Madoff.

"I find it interesting the media used the words 'pyramid scheme,'" Griffin, as Conway, began. "Frankly, that's anti-Semitic when you consider the terrible suffering of the Jewish people in Egypt at the time of the Pharoah."

Conway hasn't publicly reacted to the impression. She's previously been impersonated on "Saturday Night Live" by Kate McKinnon.

Watch the clip below:
