Frances Bean Cobain reveals she’s two years sober

Frances Bean Cobain celebrated two years of sobriety with a candid, thoughtful social media letter.

The Instagram post Tuesday marked the first time the daughter of grunge icon Kurt Cobain and Hole frontwoman Courtney Love publicly addressed her battle with addiction.

Cobain penned a lengthy letter and accompanied it with a photo of herself in Oahu, Hawaii, which she says she chose because of its purity.

"It feels significant here, now because it's my 2nd sober birthday," she wrote. "The fact that I'm sober isn't really public knowledge, decidedly and deliberately. But I think it's more important to put aside my fear about being judged or misunderstood or typecast as one specific thing."

The 25-year-old revealed she chose now to share her story because she hopes her struggles might help others dealing with similar problems.

Cobain also explained being present in her day-to-day life is a constant struggle — and that sometimes, the temptation to return to her vices is strong.

"It is an everyday battle to be in attendance for all the painful, bazaar (sic), uncomfortable, tragic, f--ked up things that have ever happened or will ever happen," she wrote. "Self destruction and toxic consumption and deliverance from pain is a lot easier to adhere to."

Still, she said getting sober is the "best decision" she's ever made, as it's helped her heal her soul and get more in touch with her "messy emotions."

"I am constantly evolving. The moment I stop my evolution is the moment I disservice myself and ultimately those I love. As cheesy and cornball as it sounds life does get better, if you want it to," she wrote. "I'll never claim I know something other people don't. I only know what works for me and seeking to escape my life no longer works for me."

Both of Cobain's parents publicly battled alcohol and drug addiction; Love has weathered several stints in rehab, while dad Kurt had multiple drugs in his system, including heroin, when he committed suicide at 27 in 1994.
