Pornhub bans 'deepfake' videos that superimpose celebrity faces on adult porn actors’ bodies

Tech is changing the way we have sex, view porn, and otherwise express our sexuality.

Some ideas have piqued interest (sex toys that sync to interactive videos), others have raised eyebrows (frighteningly realistic sex dolls), and more recent ones have just been downright strange (teledildonics, the science of "virtual intercourse with real people").

Though the latest innovation—"deepfakes"—has crossed a line; it's already been banned on Pornhub and Reddit, Engadget reports.

It's essentially AI-generated porn that superimposes a celebrity's face on a porn star/actor's body. The name, "deepfakes," comes from the Redditor who's supposedly responsible for all these videos. They're using a machine learning algorithm to create these disturbing videos, which, obviously, are nonconsensual on the celebrity's end and pose horrific implications.

"Deepfakes" first garnered attention when Gal Gadot's face was used in a hardcore porno circulating around Reddit, Motherboardreports. Scarlett Johansson, Maisie Williams, and Taylor Swift have also been victims of this AI-assisted fake porn. And while the tracking is stilted and shaky—like a shoddier version of CGI (think: Paul Walker in Furious 7)—at first glance, it's pretty realistic.

Worse yet, this isn't all that complicated to pull off—urging the need for better regulation.

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