Jack White bans phones at shows for ‘100 percent human experience’

If you’ve been to a concert in the last ten years, you’re familiar with the glow of smartphones raised to capture special moments. Some concert-goers are so preoccupied with their Instagram story or Snapchat filter that they miss the magic of live performances—a sickness Jack White will fight in future shows. Recently, his team unrolled a “no recording devices allowed” policy which should refocus audiences on the live experience.

“We think you’ll enjoy looking up from your gadgets for a little while and experience music and our shared love of it IN PERSON,” the statement says, according to NME.

It’s a nice idea in theory — but how will White execute it? Fortunately, there’s a device for that.

“Upon arrival at the venue, all phones and other photo or video-capturing gizmos will be secured in a Yondr pouch that will be unlocked at the end of the show,” White’s team says. “You keep your pouch-secured phone on you during the show and, if needed, can unlock your phone at any time in a designated Yondr Phone Zone located in the lobby or concourse.”

RELATED: See the evolution of cell phones

White is fighting gadgets with gadgets. Meanwhile, a tour photographer will handle the photography so fans can access high-quality photos from the concerts they attend, after the show.

“For those looking to do some social media postings, let us help you with that. Our official tour photographer will be posting photos and videos after the show at jackwhiteiii.com and the new Jack White Live Instagram account @officialjackwhitelive. Repost our photos & videos as much as you want and enjoy a phone-free, 100% human experience.”
