Milo Ventimiglia talks holiday favorites, 'This is Us,' and Kelly Blue Book's Best Buy Awards


If there is anyone that knows a thing or two about cars, it's 'This is Us' star, Milo Ventimiglia.

We recently sat down with the Emmy-nominated actor and talked about some of his holiday favorites, 'This is Us' storylines and why he decided to partner up with Kelly Blue Book.

"Kelly Blue Book had helped me in every purchase of car since I was a kid," said the actor. The site is the ultimate source that allows consumers to research and shop. Kelly Blue Book recently revealed it’s 2018 Best Buy Awards to honor the best model-year vehicles in the U.S. in 12 major categories. "I think it's nice to have a gold standard like Kelly Blue Book, unbiasedly, giving information to potential buyers."

Ventimiglia reveals that even though his first car was a 1987 Toyota Tercel Hatchback he only started to nickname his cars until he was about 22. "When I got my classic, I got a 1967 Chevelle Supersport, her name is Evelyn."

A classic that even Jack Pearson would get behind the wheel of! In "This Is Us" Milo Ventimiglia's character sells his beloved 1970 Chevy Chevelle to help pay for his family's new home in season one, which in fact, is Ventimiglia's very own car!

As the show's season two came to a cliff-hanging end for its fall finale, we got to see the Big Three in a way we hadn't before with each individual storyline more gut-wrenching and heartbreaking than the last.

As for Ventimiglia's favorite Big Three storyline? He doesn't have one.

"You know to see Kevin experience pain when he’s just constantly celebrated, to see Kate go through loss but also fight through and decide she still wants to have a baby, to see Randall still weighing out his adoption story and his desire to give a kid a home because he was offered a home," explains the actor. "You know there are so many moments for all of them that I, like a proud papa, am proud of their decisions in life, and heartbroken over some decisions because you don't want to let your kids feel pain."

Ventimiglia says that he's very grateful to the producers for constantly giving them good material -- especially giving the Big Three each a full 44 minutes to each let them "live" with their character.

"Watching [the show], I find myself laughing -- laughter that turns into tears," says the actor. "There is not one moment on that show that I haven't thought to myself 'this is so cool' -- even the harder moments."

One of the most surprising elements of working on this show for Ventimiglia? The fan reaction.

"The conversation that the show creates -- I think that's been the nicest thing -- knowing that it's just not watching the show for an hour, people are taking what they are seeing and plugging it into their own lives," says the actor. "The relationships, their families, they are trying to do better, trying to be more communicative -- they're trying to be more inclusive when everything in today's culture is kind of splitting us apart. I hope people take it and pass it on."

And for his holiday favorites with family?

"Chocolate trifle for Christmas, it's a desert. It's three layers of chocolate cake, vanilla pudding with whipped cream and crushed up square bars and then repeat that three times," says the actor. "It's amazing, my mom only makes it once a year and it's the best."

And to top off an epic dessert? Watching one of his holiday favorites including "A Christmas Story" or "Die Hard" -- which he claims is definitely a Christmas movie.

But what takes the cake are personal, handwritten notes to both give and receive as gifts. "Things that represent the person or what you are trying to convey to someone, are often the best gifts."
