Daveed Diggs and Jacob Tremblay choose kind


Daveed Diggs and Jacob Tremblay were two peas in a pod at the Build studio promoting their upcoming movie, "Wonder". The tagline for the film is "Choose kind." "Wonder" tells the story of a young boy with a facial deformity entering the fifth grade and how he impacts the world around him by choosing to be kind.

The two were playful and sincere. They took turns complimenting each other. "I did not know what Jacob really looked like until months after we stopped filming. It was intimidating working with you, man, I gotta say, you're like very, very good," Diggs reveals to Tremblay.

When asked what he was most proud of, Diggs repeated the question, "What am I proud of myself?" Tremblay graciously offered, "Hamilton."

Though only 11 years old, Tremblay takes his platform and limelight seriously. He eloquently yet simply articulated issues he found relevant and important. "Bullying is something that we should all be talking about more. Bullying happens in school and school is a place where kids need to feel safe so they can learn and express who they are too...and hopefully this movie will stop bullying all around the world so children can just be proud of who they are."

Diggs brought the core message of the movie full circle by applying it to today's political climate. "I think that this film promotes kindness as a successful way of living your life and...we're in a time where we're being inundated with, sort of, our leaders preaching hate. So it's really nice to be a part of something that presents a counter narrative that's not just wishful thinking."

The wise beyond his years, Tremblay, showed his age when mentioning, "We're studying the book [in school]. We're doing a field trip to go and see the movie. So that's exciting." The young at heart, Diggs laughed, "That's so lit!"

Diggs and Tremblay displayed kindness, throughout the interview, to the live audience, and to the other by showing support for each other and promoting positivity.

Diggs sums it up with, "Simple acts of kindness totally radiate outward until like an entire community is affected by the spirit this little boy. That's a really important message particularly right now."

Also starring Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson, "Wonder" comes to theaters Thursday, November 17.
