Stephen Colbert roasts President Trump in scathing Emmys monologue: 'Imagine if your president wasn't beloved by Nazis'

Stephen Colbert roasts President Trump in scathing Emmys monologue: 'Imagine if your president wasn't beloved by Nazis'

Some weren't sure if Emmy Awards host Stephen Colbert would go political for his opening monologue. Those people shouldn't get into the betting game.

Colbert eviscerated President Donald Trump with zinger after zinger, leaving the audience -- both live and at home -- somewhere between stunned and in hysterics.

The night kicked off with a carefree musical number that quickly turned loaded as Colbert reminded the world not to "worry about global warming or the Middle East ... [because] everything is better on TV!"

"Stranger Things is much less strange than our reality," Colbert continued. Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys, who play Russian spies on "The Americans," chimed in, "Even treason's better on TV!"

Then came Julia Louis-Dreyfus' one-liner: "Imagine if your president wasn't beloved by Nazis."

An interlude from Chance the Rapper, while comical, got a bit more serious as he urged viewers to "disregard the shows and try to show up at the protests."

After the song wrapped up, Colbert launched into his monologue, and the stove only got hotter. Brief but barbed jabs at Ted Cruz and Bill Maher elicited audible gasps amid laughter, but the biggest target was, of course, President Trump himself.

That Trump even ran for president is actually, Colbert said, the fault of Emmy voters, who never awarded Trump for "Celebrity Apprentice": "He never forgave you and never will," Colbert snapped. Confident that Trump himself was watching -- "Hello sir, thanks for joining us, looking forward to the tweets" -- he then pulled up an old tweet in which Trump made fun of then-host Seth Meyers for sounding marble-mouthed.

Meyers tried to respond, but his mouth was full of marbles.

Oh, and Sean Spicer showed up. Watch the whole monologue in the video below:
