Howard Stern: ‘It’s disturbing that I like Harry Styles’

What did Howard Stern do on his Labor Day vacation? The SiriusXM radio personality spent some time with Harry Styles’ debut album, he told listeners on Monday’s broadcast of “The Howard Stern Show.” “Someone told me [the album] was good and I was, like, ‘How can that be good?’” the shock jock joshed. “That’s me being an old fart.”

But after giving Styles a spin, Stern came around. “It was kind of a good record,” he told co-host Robin Quivers. “Kid has some talent. There was a song or two I actually enjoyed. … It’s disturbing that I like Harry Styles.”

Quivers agreed with the assessment of the One Direction star’s talent, reminding the host of their positive reaction to Styles’ “Saturday Night Live” performance in April. “Maybe we’re fans,” Stern added.

The week-long break also allowed Stern time to catch up on DVR holdover, like the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards. “Boy they were bad,” said Stern, though he was impressed by one performance: Julia Michaels singing her hit song, “Issues,” though he, like most TV viewers, took issue with how the show cut away to commercial before the first chorus. “I guess [MTV] didn’t deem her important enough [because] she was one of those alternative artists,” said Stern. “But she was really good. … I’d be pissed off. ”

Then, proving his Styles fandom yet again, he noted, “‘Sign of the Times’ should have won best album.” (Never mind that “Sign of the Times” is the name of Styles’ first single, but the sentiment is what matters.)
