Wendy Williams explains the time Bill Cosby tried to get her fired

Wendy Williams opened up to Howard Stern on The Stern Show on Wednesday and reportedly spoke on how Bill Cosby had tried to get her fired.

The story came up when the conversation turned to the sexual assault allegations that have come up against the beleaguered comedian. At one point, according toRadarOnline, Stern asked, "Didn't Bill Cosby attempt to get you fired from your job?" to which she replied "[in] 1991 [and] 1992."

When Stern tried to compliment her on being the first to talk about the allegations, Williams shot back, "I'm not talking Howard," to which Stern replied, "What? Have I hit on something here?"

–Bill Cosby says race plays 'some' role in his sexual assault scandal–

See photos of Wendy Williams:

"No it just...it is what it is. It's really uncomfortable...If people did not understand what I was saying back in 1992 and 1993 and now all of a sudden they're coming late to the party. I'm exhausted, I'm moving on," Williams said.

But Stern continued to press, until she finally shared, "I'm a young girl, I'm in my twenties, it's like 1992 or 91. I'm on the air in the morning doing my gossip report, the GM is in his office — this is like seven o'clock in the morning. Cosby is on the phone talking to the GM. The GM is definitely agreeing with Cosby and figuring out what do we do with me."

However, she said that she was able to fight back and keep her job, because she was good at it.

During the conversation, she also said that the word she associates most with Cosby is "guilty."

As for whether or not she was disappointed by the results of the hung jury on Cosby's sexual assault trial, Williams replied simply, "Don't care. I know what I know and people need to understand what they understand."

See photos of Bill Cosby:
