Dorothy Wang reveals what she learned from being on 'Rich Kids of Beverly Hills'


Dorothy Wang has taken the Instagram world, and more, by storm.

This Beverly Hills-native has been driven since a young age, being raised by her self-made billionaire father Roger Wang. After graduating from USC with a degree in communications, Wang knew she was destined for the big screen.

Wang got connected early on with Doron Ofir of Doron Ofir casting and landed a spot on the #RichKids of Beverly Hills with some of her close friends like Morgan Stewart and Brendan Fitzpatrick. From there, Wang launched her own jewelry line and her own champagne brand.

Now, Wang can be seen on season two of "Famously Single," which premiered on July 9th this year on E!.

We had the chance to chat with Wang about her past, present and future hopes and dreams. Check out part one below!

#YouShouldKnow is a feature that showcases rising talents. To see more past interviews, including more features on Dorothy Wang, click here.

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A post shared by Dorothy ✨✨ (@dorothywang) on Feb 10, 2017 at 1:09pm PST

How did you first get involved with "Rich Kids of Beverly Hills"?

To be honest, ever since high school and college, people have been saying that I need my own TV show or my own reality show. I always thought that maybe it would be something I wanted to do, and I'm pretty hands on and I'm used to creating things that I want to happen. After I graduated from USC, I put together a cast in my head, and I wrote a treatment, which included some of the kids in RKOBH. It was called "Lost Angeles." We shopped that around and met with people, and nothing came of it, but it stayed on my mind. I always thought in a TV setup way, I always felt like I had cameras with me, but there weren't any yet. Then, my friend contacted me about a show and said they wanted to do it about people in Los Angeles. I called Doron Ofir, and I joke with him now about how he didn't call me back for a week. Eventually, I went in and talked to him and told him about my friends and my ideas, and showed him my Instagram and everything. Then, we went on tape. I brought Morgan and Brendan, at the time, and Johnny. They called us back on Christmas Eve, that's when I knew it was real, they told us they wanted the show to happen and told us they were going to shop it around to different networks. E! picked it up and everything has happened so quickly since then.

What was it like when they first started filming?

It was a really unique, fun experience. It's one of those things that you don't know what it's like until you live it. It forced us to grow up really quickly and learn the industry and adjust. The most difficult thing for me going into it, even though I'm not a secretive person, it's different from being private and then having your whole life broadcast. One of the biggest adjustments was that everyone had an opinion about me. I was used to it in some sense, I grew up with a big personality, but when you put your life out there publicly like that everyone feels like they can comment. Everyone wants to judge you. But in their defense, when you put yourself out there like we did, it's their right to judge you, they're your viewers or your fans. They can share their opinions. That was the biggest adjustment for me, in the beginning, just because of the title of the show, a lot of people didn't like it and a lot of people automatically didn't like us. That was the first time I felt very wrongly accused. With this, I felt like people were pre-judging us because of the title of the show.

What were some of your favorite parts of being on The Rich Kids of Beverly Hills?

I loved being able to travel with my friends. I love to travel just in life, I love sharing different experiences and going on different adventures, so having that on tape that I can watch back is great. It's always fun to have people around and have the crew and the cast and the camera men. They really do become your family. You always have someone to talk to or hang out with. It's fun to be on set. It also forces you to learn a lot about yourself, and I knew that going in. For me, it was about testing myself and learning about myself and trying to be a better person. When you are literally called out for what you're doing, and then you have to watch it back on television with the rest of the world, you learn a lot about yourself really quickly. You learn a lot about certain things you didn't know that you were doing that maybe rubbed people the wrong way or things I didn't think were hurtful. When you watch it back and you see everyone's reaction to you, you realize things. It made me assess how I can make people feel. I think that's been a good process for me.

Would you say that's been the biggest thing you learned? Or were there other things you didn't know before?

I think also being on TV -- not that I've ever lacked an opinion -- in some ways has made me much stronger. Sometimes in these situations, when people are being not very nice, or are trying you, you feel the duty not only to stand up for yourself but stand up for your viewers and other people that are watching. You feel like you do have to stand up for yourself more than you maybe would in your real life. That has been beneficial for me because it's made me a little bit stronger. When you go through things more than others you can also find that you're more resilient than you thought.

So, what has it been like to be on "Famously Single?"

It was such a crazy experience. It was something unlike anything I've ever done, and unlike anything anyone has ever seen me do before. If you ever saw me on "Rich Kids" you know I hate going on dates, especially blind dates, I just don't put myself out there that much. I just don't feel like there are that many people out there. The concept of the show is to get you to put yourself out there, and there's group therapy and one-on-one therapy. So, you figure out what's going on with you and if it's affecting your dating life.

Do you think there was a really big takeaway for you from being on "Famously Single?"

It was surprising to me in the beginning. I was very nervous. I thought I was going to hate it. You have to do therapy with people and go on dates. In my head, it was kind of my worst nightmare. Like I said earlier, I do like to test and challenge myself. I like to put myself in different experiences with different people and just in different atmospheres in general. I think that in the beginning, even though I wanted to do it, but I was still timid and nervous and I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy it, but I did. I think it was very beneficial. The things I learned on the show about me and about people, in general, is something I'll take with me for the rest of my life. It's rare to have with everyone's busy schedule, especially in this industry, to have three weeks to focus on yourself. I told the therapist many times, that I don't set aside time in my life to go on dates. It's just not something I prioritize. I never feel a void in my life by not dating anyone. But I think to have three weeks to think about my dating life and what kind of guy I want and all of this stuff, I think it was a crash course that you don't always get in real life.

What do you think viewers will take away from Season 2?

We had a lot of fun in the house, we really did. I think everyone involved was a character. I think that viewers are going to think it's an enjoyable, funny show. There were so many fun moments. Everyone will connect with someone that was in the house. We were really open. We talked about our past relationships and our future relationships and our fears and our goals. It's really stripped down. But it's still fun. It's not overly sappy or emotional because we're all fun people.

Did you feel like you got really close to the other members of the series?

We literally were in a house by ourselves. The only other people we got to see were our therapists, our doctors, and the dates that we went on. We did have a bond, it was very close. We were literally in a house for three weeks together. With that, friendships and relationships form very quickly. We used to joke that we were in an adult summer camp with therapy instead of activities.

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