'Newlyweds' producer reveals secrets about Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey

The producer behind "Newlyweds" is spilling the beans on Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's romance on-screen and off-screen.

The hit MTV show launched celebrity reality shows to a whole new level and pulled back the curtain on the life of one of our favorite pop culture couples. The pair at the time had just gotten married, and Simpson, the squeaky clean and sweet Texas singer, was just 22 years old. Lachey was 28 years old.

And now, Sue Kolinksy —a producer who worked on the series all three seasons — has revealed the behind-the-scenes secrets to Complex.

"It was a whole new genre," Kolinksy explained. "When it comes to reality TV, back then it was at its purest form. Plus, [Nick & Jessica] were perfect because they were polar opposites, they were beautiful, and without even realizing it, they were very funny."

She said that Simpson, who was very young anyways at the time, really was true to her own personality -- despite moments like the chicken and tuna conversation being hotly-debated as totally scripted.

"There were times when we were like, 'Hm, does she really not know what this means?'" Kolinsky explained. "I truly believe the whole 'chicken & fish' situation was accurate. She really did not know. I remember there was a scene where there was a dead mouse by their pool and it had been dead for a while. Nick said, 'it's in rigor mortis' and Jessica said, 'Riga-what?' I truly believe she didn't know what that meant."

Kolinsky also said that it wasn't their age different or careers that led them to a split -- it was actually how fundamentally different their personalities were.

"You could feel there was tension between the two of them," she said. "They were very different people. He was a blue collar guy—he did a lot of things himself, like he and his brother would build things. He was frugal, and she had excessive taste."

"In the end, they weren't suited for each other. The only thing they really had in common was their music. She was really young; I think he's seven years older than her. He wanted a family, and her father thought maybe she was too young. Her father was very involved in her life," she concluded.

In November 2005, the couple announced their separation with a joint statement, and their show promptly ended after three seasons on-air.

"After three years of marriage, and careful thought and consideration, we have decided to part ways," the statement said. "This is the mutual decision of two people with an enormous amount of respect and admiration for each other. We hope that you respect our privacy during this difficult time."

Both Simpson and Lachey have moved on to happy and successful marriages. Lachey married actress Vanessa Minnillo in 2011 and has three children. Simpson married former NFL player Eric Johnson in 2014 and has two children.
