Hollywood Secrets: Griffith Park is home to some of the most iconic Hollywood movies

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The iconic Griffith Park in Los Angeles is home to the world-famous observatory, but that's not all ...

A number of Hollywood movies have filmed scenes at the park -- and you probably didn't know it!

The original owner of the property was industrialist Griffith J. Griffith, who gifted the city of Los Angeles with 3,000 acres of land back in the 1880s. He raised ostriches on the property, and eventually a zoo was opened in 1912. It has since been abandoned, but the cages are still there and have been used in several movies.

There are also other areas of Griffith Park that serve as the backdrop of some pretty iconic movies. Remember the sunset dance scene in "La La Land"? That was shot at Cathy's Corner.

Batman's home -- the Batcave -- is not really 14 miles from the fictional city of Gotham, it is actually located in Griffith Park's Bronson Canyon.

And then you have the observatory, which has also been used in movies like "Transformers" and "Rebel Without A Cause."

Who knew?! Well no one or else it wouldn't be a Hollywood secret!

Check out more secrets about Griffith Park, including Walt Disney's ties to the landmark in the video above.
