Alec Baldwin defends Kendall Jenner over controversial Pepsi ad

The Pepsi ad featuring Kendall Jenner somehow stopping a protest by simply handing a policeman a Pepsi has been eviscerated by the public, including many Hollywood figures and late-nightprograms. The controversial commercial, which Pepsi ultimately pulled, was denounced by Martin Luther King Jr.'s daughter as well as many others. But Alec Baldwin came to Jenner's defense on Thursday.

"Don't blame Kendall Jenner for that spot," tweeted Baldwin. "Kendall is still a very young, inexperienced woman in an awful business. Blame her management."

Baldwin said he remembers when the now-21-year-old model was a little kid in school with his daughter Ireland. "I think it's unfair to rake these younger [people] over the coals," he wrote, adding that he thinks the United States is "such a sadistically shame-based, blame-centered culture."

Read more: Critic's Notebook: The Real Problem With Kendall Jenner's Pepsi Ad

When people replied to Baldwin, he responded, continuing to defend Jenner. One commented asked him at what age was Jenner expected to be responsible for her own actions.

"Well, Jeff, Id giv her a bit more time 2 develop courage/ability 2 make her own, better decisions. U obviously know f*** all about show biz," replied Baldwin. He called another commented "ignorant and insensitive" for responding to his Ireland comparison by saying his daughter isn't being "paid to trivialize a meaningful social movement."

Read more: Pepsi Apologizes, Pulls Kendall Jenner Protest Ad After Criticism
