Angelina Jolie pays an unusual visit to Buckingham Palace

One of the perks, we'd imagine, of being an extremely famous movie star, is that there is no location to visit or circumstance to work around that is truly out of the question. If you want to shop at a store that's closed, they'll open it for you. If you want a table at a restaurant with no reservations, the seas will part. If you want to see the new King Kong movie with no one else in the theater, you, we imagine, just so much as glance at the ticket attendant (or have your assistant glance at the ticket attendant).

Yes, you guessed it, we're about to share the tale of a celebrity who has done something in this vein! On Tuesday, Angelina Jolie, after spending time at the London School of Economics (more on that shortly), and accompanied by her son Maddox, paid a visit to Buckingham Palace.

According to the Daily Mail, Jolie and her son—both dressed in very on-brand all-black get-ups—received a "highly unusual private tour" of the palace, as no members of the royal family were present (really, royals!??! You're not gonna take an Uber to the palace to have some tea with Angelina Jolie?!?!?!). There are tours of the palace available to the general public, but only for certain weeks of the year, at set times.

Earlier in the day, Jolie taught her first class at the London School of Economics, where she is now working as "a professor in practice," teaching a course on Women, Peace and Security. (Isn't it kind of funny to imagine a student signing up for this class because they saw the course title and thought it sounded interesting, somehow missing the name of the professor, and then they get in and show up for the first day and it's . . . Angelina Jolie.)

Jolie, in 2015, when she was still married to Brad Pitt, had tea with Kate Middleton and Prince William at Kensington Palace []—and she has met with the Queen before, as well. So was this sort of like a grand, celebrity version of when you go on a work trip to San Francisco and text a few of your college friends to let them know you're in town, and . . . no one gets back to you until you're at the airport, about to head back? ("Omg, so sorry, missed this somehow!")
