Up-and-coming musician Bryan Lanning reveals the creation process behind his new album

Becoming a musician is something that takes time, effort and dedication. But now, more than ever before, budding artists can reach a much wider audience just through using the internet.

That's exactly what Bryan Lanning is doing to get his music and brand out to thousands.

Lanning is no stranger to the music world -- he's been singing since he was in grade school. However, he never thought of YouTube as a platform for displaying his skill until he and his wife started their Daily Bumps channel. From there, it was a natural transition for him to use social media to display his music skills.

Now, with over 360K subscribers on his music page alone, it's safe to say he's making an impact.

This year, Lanning released his newest album, "Us" which catalogues some of the experiences he and his wife Missy have had together. It brings a whole new perspective to the relationship of this popular YouTube couple and their family's experiences.

We had the chance to chat with Lanning about his musical inspiration and more. Check out part one below!

#YouShouldKnow is a feature that showcases rising talents. To see more past interviews, including more features on Bryan Lanning click here.

How did you first fall in love with music?

I really can barely remember, you know, I remember running around the house as a kid singing at the top of my lungs. My mom was annoyed at me most of the time I think, because I was always jumping on furniture and stuff. When I was in third grade -- really funny story -- I was in the bathroom between classes, and I of course was singing, and the fourth grade choir teacher barged in as I was washing my hands and told me I needed to be in the choir and asked who I was. She told me she would make an exception for me to be in the fourth grade choir even though I was only in third grade. I was so excited. That's where I learned a lot and grew a lot, I was in choir for most of my schooling basically, and that's where it all started.

So you have some really exciting projects you're working on -- how did your idea come about for your newest album? How did that come to be?

I was in this lull after releasing my very first EP last January. The EP was a way to explore different genres of music and familiarize myself with working in a studio and working with producers. After that was released, I had a big burst of inspiration and I started writing again and the very first song I wrote on the album was called NYC and it was a narrative song talking about a trip that Missy and I took shortly after we had gotten back together after a big break up and it was a trip that brought us closer together -- it's something we remember and talk about to this day -- taking a road trip from Idaho to New York City. After I wrote that song it got me thinking about all of these different stories that people don't know about us, even though we have over 2 million viewers on our YouTube channel, there's still a lot of things that people don't know. After I wrote that song, I decided to tell other stories about us.

Would you expand too on what the songwriting process is like? What's it like to put a song together from start to finish?

It's really interesting because I find myself throughout the day singing a melody or a collection of lyrics and they kind of just pop into my head. I always sing if I work around the house or if I'm with the kids, and I normally run back to the office and record it quickly in a voice memo so I don't forget it. A lot of the songs off of the album "Us" I wrote in the middle of the night. I would lay down and go to sleep, but I wouldn't be able to because I had so many lyrics and melodies floating through my head. I would have to pop up and run to the office to jot it all down. Also, for the first time ever on this album I worked with some really cool songwriters -- some really close friends of mine that helped me tell the story in a way that I couldn't. That was a really cool experience too.

Could you talk a bit about where your music inspiration comes from? Who inspires you and why?

I think my biggest inspiration for my music is definitely my family. I think I have it different than a lot of other people. I grew up in a family that wasn't very close. I never knew my real father until just a couple years ago when I tracked him down. So, I was being raised by a single mother who had multiple jobs, so I never had a "normal family life." I feel like I have been so blessed now with the family that I do have with my wife and kids, I think that's one of the most inspiring things about life. No matter what you're going through you can get out of it. That's what I like to write about, that's what a lot of the music I listen to is about. I just hope it inspires other people too.

What do you hope people take away from the music you're creating and the sound you're putting out there?

We have a lot of viewers of YouTube who put us on a pedestal, Missy and I, and our relationship. I think it's completely natural because that's kind of how the internet and social media works. I hope that through this album, people see we're a lot more than that, we're not a cookie cutter, fairy tale romance. There's a lot of ups and downs, and we're stronger because of it. I think that in itself is the meaning of a true relationship. I hope they understand that when they watch us, and maybe it'll change their lives too.

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