Dave Clarke will not play in the U.S. while Donald Trump is president

The music industry has been anything but silent since Donald Trump took office. Artists from Madonna to Moby have used their platforms to make their distaste clear.

Today (Jan. 27), another artist is joining the choir. In a statement posted on Facebook, the "Baron of Techno" Dave Clarke says that he will not be traveling to the U.S. to perform as long as Trump is in office.

He says, "This is a tough one, I have been thinking about this for quite sometime and I just have to put it out there..........I have maximum respect for the influence of American music and some US culture in my life but I will not be renewing my work visa."

Although the news is tough for fans, Clarke was sure to clarify that this call was a "decision based on his intuition" rather than a punishment. See the full statement below.
