'Rogue One' international trailer offers closer looks at Darth Vader, Death Star

The latest "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" international trailer reveals new footage from the film.

Of all the new scenes, the most significant may be the first look at Jyn Erso's (Felicity Jones) mother Lyra, played by Valene Kane. She is shown giving her daughter — who is still quite young — a crystal necklace. "Trust the force," she whispers to Jyn.

The trailer also shows more X-Wing dogfighting, battles on the planet Scarif (the beach planet), and extended looks at Darth Vader and the Death Star. The film follows Jyn and a team she assembled as they attempt to steal the plans to the Death Star, which Jyn's father Galen (Mads Mikkelsen) helped build.


Rogue One A Star Wars Story trailer
Rogue One A Star Wars Story trailer

'Star Wars: Rogue One' Not Expected to Do 'Force Awakens' Business, Disney CEO Says

Despite the fervor surrounding the upcoming "Star Wars" film — the first movie that isn't directly connected to the Skywalker family — Disney chief Bob Iger said the studio doesn't expect it to have the box office draw of last year's "The Force Awakens."

"We never felt it would do the level that 'Force Awakens' did," Iger said. But based on the response to the trailers and posters, he said "The level of interest [in 'Rogue One'] is as high as it was for 'Force Awakens.'"

"Rogue One" hits theaters on Dec. 16.
