Jon Stewart to join Stephen Colbert for 'The Late Show' at the Republican National Convention

Possible lineup of GOP convention speakers
Possible lineup of GOP convention speakers

Jon Stewart just couldn't stay away from this year's election.

The former Daily Show host is set to take part in Stephen Colbert's Late Show live episodes for the Republican National Convention, Vulture reports.

His role isn't yet clear, but Colbert, the former Daily Show correspondent, has two full weeks planned for The Late Show on CBS covering both the Republican and Democratic conventions, which he has dubbed: "The 2016 Trumpublican Donational Conventrump" and "The 2016 Democratic National Convincing A Technically Historic Event: Death. Taxes. Hillary."

Click through images of Jon Stewart's last Daily Show:

Colbert will broadcast live starting Monday, with on-site teams in Cleveland for the Republican convention and Philadelphia for the Democratic event. His guests for the two weeks of live shows include Senator Elizabeth Warren, John Oliver, Jeff Daniels, Keegan-Michael Key and former U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner.

CBS declined to comment to The Hollywood Reporter.

Read MoreThe Political Conventions Will Be Summer's Must-See TV (Guest Column)
