OnlyOnAOL: Chris Colfer wants to dine with this famous actress

Chris Colfer On "The Land of Stories: An Author's Odyssey"
Chris Colfer On "The Land of Stories: An Author's Odyssey"

By: Donna Freydkin

These days, when you Google Chris Colfer, his books are the first thing that come up.

And the children's lit scribe, now on his fifth installment of "The Land of Stories" series, couldn't be prouder.

"It used to be all about 'Glee.' Now it's all kids, running up to me and telling me how much they love the books and what they want to happen. Sometimes they have really good points," he says.

Colfer, of course, pitched himself into the public consciousness with his Emmy-nominated, Golden Globe-winning turn as the openly-gay singer Kurt Hummel on the Fox hit "Glee." Now, aside from a turn in the "Absolutely Fabulous" movie, he's focused on his book series. "I was really worried that the crowds would dissipate when the show ended. They've only grown and grown," he says.

Chris Colfer visits AOL Hq for Build on July 12, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Chris Colfer visits AOL Hq for Build on July 12, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Chris Colfer visits AOL Hq for Build on July 12, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Chris Colfer visits AOL Hq for Build on July 12, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Chris Colfer visits AOL Hq for Build on July 12, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai
Chris Colfer visits AOL Hq for Build on July 12, 2016 in New York. Photos by Noam Galai

And he's justifiably proud of creating what this writer called a kids' literature empire. "Thank you for using those words. It's been wonderful. They sold over two million copies. If my books were albums, they'd be double-platinum," says Colfer.

Acting is still one of his jobs, but more on the sidelines at the moment. "If something great comes along, fantastic. I still make it a priority. But books are my number one priority right now," he says. "It's storytelling. Acting and writing are two different forms of storytelling. We're addicted to helping people escape their day to day life."

So let's say that Colfer, given his audience, threw a pizza party. He already has a guest list in mind.

"J.K. Rowling. Eva Ibbotson, who has passed away," says Colfer, referring to the author of "Journey to the River Sea."

"Carrie Fisher and (her dog) Gary Fisher, of course. I'd do the brothers Grimm and I'd do Shakespeare. I'd do it someplace low-key where we could wear sweats, like my house," he says.

Speaking of his home, it's where he does his writing. "On whatever surface my cat isn't laying on. I have so many pictures of him glaring at me because I'm petting the computer and not him. I say that a lot: 'Daddy can't pet right now.' My cat's name is Brian. He's the cat. I'm his staff," says Colfer.

We can relate.
