If you think you have blue or green eyes, they're actually brown

By Susana Victoria Perez, Buzz60

If you think you have blue eyes, think again, they are actually tricking you! All eyes are really brown.

According to CNN, Dr. Gary Heiting, a licensed optometrist and senior editor of All About Vision explained why all human eyes are actually brown, no matter if they look blue or greenish.

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The reason for this, is the pigment melanin, which also determines are hair and skin color.

So melanin only really has one shade: brown! The more melanin you have in the iris of your eye, the darker your eye color is.

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If you've ever heard "your eyes change color a lot," its because of light! Melanin absorbs light so the less melanin, like people with blue eyes, more light is reflected back out of the eye.

The reason why babies' eyes change color? The haven't developed the amount of melanin in their iris that's why most babies are born with blue eyes.

The more you know!
