All the times Donald Trump was written off throughout the 2016 election


On June 16, 2015, Donald Trumpformally announced his presidential candidacy with a rally at Trump Tower in New York City. Flanked by his wife and family, he promised the country he was going to "Make America great again," and build a "great, great wall" that Mexico would pay for.

From that point on, talking heads and political pundits went on a doubting Trump spree -- certain that the Republican candidate's popularity and chances of winning would eventually dwindle and cease to exist. Throughout the 2016 campaign season, the paradoxical relationship between Trump's poor projections and high poll numbers surged.

Eighteen months later, we face the end of 2016 and beginning of Trump's presidency. Just incase a refresher was necessary, here is a running list showcasing ​​​​​​an assortment of times Donald Trump was written off leading up to and throughout the 2016 election.

In order to fully relive the election, it's important to go back to June 2015 when Trump announced his candidacy:

1. When he announced his presidential campaign, and promised a huge wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

And so it begins.

2. After the first GOP debate

Donald Trump's Six Stages of Doom: FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silver writes, "The lesson, rather, is that Trump's campaign will fail by one means or another."

Here are the odds that Donald Trump will actually become president: British bookmaker William Hill sets Trump's odds of winning at 14-1, with Democratic Hillary Clinton's odd the favorite at even.

3. After the fourth GOP debate

Nate Silver, again, expresses his skepticism:

SEE ALSO: The worst 2016 election predictions of the year

4. After Trump is booed by the audience at a GOP debate

New York Times columnist Ross Douthat is still certain Trump won't be president:

Here's what I think Donald Trump's loss will look like: Vox editor-in-chief Exra Klein states he still doesn't think Trump will win the Republican primary. To Klein's credit, he does later note a "real chance" that Trump wins.

Why Trump Will Lose: U.S. News & World Report contributor Lara Brown writes, "Simply put, America's political institutions – from the parties to the Electoral College – are designed to prevent the successful capture of them by both dictators and mobs. As such, brute force won't work. Since Donald Trump knows little else, his candidacy won't succeed."

5. When Trump wins big in the New Hampshire presidential primary

Even when Trump gets a poll surge after his decisive victory in New Hampsire, pundits are ill impressed:

Romney: Trump won't be Republican nominee: Former presidential candidate Mitt Romney states, ""I will support the Republican nominee. I don't think that's going to be Donald Trump."

Donald Trump Has Clinched Nothing: William Saletan writes, " If you look more comprehensively at history and at current polling, it's still way too early to call a Trump nomination inevitable."

6. When he accumulates seven states on Super Tuesday, bringing his winning tally to 11.

Why Donald Trump won't be elected president: Digital opinions editor James Downie borrows a phrase from the men trailing Trump, stating, "Let's dispense with the notion that Trump has a real shot at winning in November."

How Trump Loses, Revisited: Ross Douthat ends an op-ed, saying, "Despite all the evidence that fortune favors him, Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee."

7. Leading up to and throughout the Republican National Convention

Trump won't win. In fact, the US could be on the brink of a liberal renaissance: Michael Cohen writes for the Guardian that Trump will face the problem of backtracking extreme positions in the general election, and will therefore not be nominated.

At this point, filmmaker Michael Moore revealed what turned out to be one of the few correct election predictions:

Relax, Donald Trump Can't Win: The Nation's Jon Wiener writes, "Even before you get to his campaign's incompetence and lackluster fundraising, the numbers just aren't on his side."

8. Throughout the debates

9. The week leading up to Election Day

10. Throughout Election Day and night

