Mike Pence booed, cheered at 'Hamilton' performance

Vice-president elect Mike Pence went to see the hip-hop musical "Hamilton" on Broadway Friday night, and the performance was disrupted when the audience wouldn't stop booing him.

Upon arrival at the Richard Rodgers Theater, he was loudly booed — although some audience members also cheered him on. As journalist Mark Harris pointed out on Twitter, playgoers are typically largely tourists from other areas.

Other observers, even if they weren't Pence supporters, were embarrassed by the jeers and thought Pence should be left in peace as he was attempting to experience some culture. New York Times reporter Jay Itzkoff wrote on Twitter, "Pence getting booed at Hamilton bums me out. Whatever you think of him. He's trying to engage. Could get ideas from far worse places."

See more tweets from the incident

One theatergoer on Twitter said that he had left after the first act.

The show, which currently stars Javier Munoz in the role originated by Lin-Manuel Miranda, was reportedly disrupted by boos at several points.

Many pointed out the irony of Pence, who has a record of opposing gay rights, going to see a show about a Founding Father featuring homosexuals, immigrants, revolutionaries, and people of color.
