Underwater lake dubbed the 'Jacuzzi of Despair' found in Gulf of Mexico


Scientists say the study of a rather volatile lake on the floor in the Gulf of Mexico, dubbed the 'Jacuzzi of Despair' due to the number of aquatic lives it has claimed, could inform searches for life on other planets, reports the Christian Science Monitor.

The body of water was located not long ago and explored via an underwater vehicle.

That research has been published in 'Oceanography.'

See more of the underwater brine lake:

Treehugger reports, "The walls that surround it hold in a toxic mix of dense extra-salty brine tinged with methane gas and hydrogen sulfide..."

The publication further notes, "The pool was formed when seawater seeped into fissures on the ocean floor and mixed with subsurface salt, and was then forced back up from methane gas bubbling up from beneath."

Due to its density, the liquid remains separate and low lying.

While most creatures that venture near or in the body perish, some have shown great adaptive abilities.

Said Erik Cordes , one of the researchers, "There's a lot of people looking at these extreme habitats on Earth as models for what we might discover when we go to other planets."
