Mapping your travel routes on MapQuest to help cancer patients


Did you know that during the month of October you can help save lives by mapping your travel routes?

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, MapQuest is turning pink and putting their money where their routes are with Maps for Mammos. Every day, thousands of routes are generated on For every route dedicated and shared during the month of October, MapQuest will make a donation to Young Survival Coalition (with a maximum donation of $50,000).

Young Survival Coalition (YSC) is the premier organization dedicated to young women with breast cancer. Founded by three young survivors, YSC began as a grassroots organization to advocate on behalf of all young women diagnosed with breast cancer to increase their length and quality of life. Based in New York City, with networks nationwide, YSC provides free resources, connections and educational materials so young women with breast cancer feel supported, empowered and hopeful. YSC seeks to educate and influence the medical, research and legislative communities to address breast cancer in young women, and to ensure that no young woman faces breast cancer alone.

Create your routes here and help save lives!
