Letter reveals advice George H.W. Bush gave Clinton before his presidency


With the election coming up, some are reminiscing about elections and presidents of the past. Recently, one letter from over 20 years ago is resurfacing.

In 1992, Bill Clinton won the presidency from incumbent George H.W. Bush. When Clinton was inaugurated, Bush sent him a letter. It has resurfaced all over the Internet:

"I wish you great happiness here," Bush said. "I never felt the loneliness some Presidents have described."

Bush warned of tough times and criticism Clinton may not feel is warranted. "I'm not a very good one to give advice; but just don't let the critics discourage you or push you off course."

RELATED: See George H.W. and Barbara Bush throughout their lives

Bush ended the letter assuring Clinton that he was on his side. "Your success now is our countries success," he said. "I am rooting hard for you."

RELATED: President George H. W. Bush

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Bush's kind words have not only resurfaced all these years later, but they are going viral. This tweet containing the letter has garnered thousands of likes and retweets, for example. Many replied, feeling wistful for past elections:

Regardless of how this letter compares to the current election, it shows that Bush was gracious to Clinton even after losing.
