Mom makes revolting find in son's baby formula


Taylor Seyler, a mother of one from Independence, Missouri, was feeding her son Keighan on September 28 when she noticed something strange floating around in his bottle.

Upon closer inspection, Seyler was horrified to discover that the mystery objects were "thin worm-like things."

"Two ounces down I noticed the worms and I was like oh. That's great," she told KSHB. "Took it from his mouth, went and put a napkin over the faucet and we poured it down the drain and we saw the maggots on it."

The disgusted mother then took to social media to share her story with others in hopes of stopping such an incident from happening to any other family.

Since Seyler posted the photos on Facebook, they've been shared over 43,000 times and have racked up comments from concerned parents around the web.

KSHB reached out to the company that makes Similac, the brand of formula she was feeding her son during the incident, and they said in a statement that "based on the life cycle, and the age and size of the Indian meal moth larva in the photos, they entered the product after it left our facilities and the safety seal was removed. Our products pass rigorous safety and quality checks, including numerous steps to check for foreign objects and ensure proper packaging."
