You're more likely to get killed by this animal than a shark


Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my! While all three may be terrifying, if Dorothy's talking about the most dangerous animals in America, she should change the tune to 'horses and cows and deer!'

That's right, you're more likely to get killed by Bambi than by any of these predators.

Using data from the Centers for Disease Control, Latest Casino Bonuses, or LCB for short, came up with a list of the 16 deadliest animals in the U.S.

Turns out deer kill 120 people on average every year, earning them the top spot.

However, this doesn't mean you should worry about deer attacking you antlers first. Instead, you should watch the road while driving as most fatalities are from accidents.

Bee, wasp and hornet stings kill 58 people annually, mostly because those stung have allergic reactions.

And, though they are dubbed man's best friend, dogs take the third deadliest spot. Based on stats from the CDC, around 4.6 million people are bitten by dogs each year.

So while a certain movie may have enhanced our fears of the great white, shark deaths are way down the list.

The full project is available here.

RELATED: Poisonous animals
