Father and daughter's adorable morning motivations will make your day


Sometimes, you need an extra push of inspiration to get your day started. This father and daughter team know this, and include motivating themselves in their morning routine.

Dad Ron Alston posted a video on his Facebook page, DFG Health and Wellness, of him and his daughter Aliya hyping themselves up for the day:

Alston works as a program director at his local YMCA. The post explains why you should follow his and his 3-year-old's lead: "Starting off with positive affirmations can set a great tone for how your day unfolds."

Ron would say an affirmation, and Aliya would repeat. They said positive messages throughout the video, like, "I am strong. I am smart. I work hard. I am beautiful. I am respectful. I'm not better than anyone. Nobody's better than me. I am amazing. I am great."

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Ron says he tries to encourage his daughter in a variety of ways. "I'm a huge advocate for positive reinforcement, so she is made aware or rewarded for the things she does correct," he said in an interview with Babble.

His goal is to make Aliya confident in herself and her feelings. He goes through these positive affirmations with Aliya every morning.

It's clear from the video that Aliya loves the messages: she giggles and smiles throughout the video. Others have been inspired Ron's way of starting the morning as well; the video has gone viral with over twelve million views and hundreds of thousands of shares.
