Twitter user tries to explain space to a NASA astronaut

The internet can be a frustrating place, especially when people try to "mansplain," or explain in a condescending manner. In this case, one Twitter user mansplained the wrong person.

Jessica Meir, NASA astronaut, Tweeted how she was over 63,000 feet in the air. At that altitude, water spontaneously boils. She posted a video:

A man responded to her, saying that the water boiling isn't "spontaneous" and it was "simple thermo":

Credit: Twitter

Of course, as an astronaut -- and a Ph.D in marine biology -- it is safe to say that Meir knows "simple thermo." Dr. Paul Coxon Tweeted the exchange and it quickly went viral, which resulted in the man deleting his Twitter account.

Coxon subsequently deleted his Tweet as well, but not before it received thousands of likes and retweets -- and news coverage. In the future, this man and others may think twice before trying to correct experts in their fields.

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