New 3D models let blind parents 'see' their unborn babies

New 3D Models Let Blind Parents 'See' Their Unborn Babies
New 3D Models Let Blind Parents 'See' Their Unborn Babies

Blind mothers can now feel their children before they're born and experience the same joy sighted mothers have when viewing ultrasounds.

In Utero 3D has a wonderful new program that provides 3D printed ultrasounds to parents for just a little over a dollar.

Co-founder Aleksandra Witkowska-Masojć explained, "remembering our own emotions when we first saw the ultrasound images of our children is an unforgettable moment."

The program, 'Waiting Without Barriers,' is meant to provide 3D models to blind parents-to-be who cannot otherwise see ultrasound images.

The model is created using the data from a mother's regular ultrasound examination, which is then fed into a 3D printer.

The ultrasound images are a true 3 dimensional representation of the baby as it exists in the mother's womb, complete with spatial relations and real dimensions.

The project started in Poland, but is available throughout Europe. It takes roughly 2 to 3 hours for each model to be prepared and 4 to 7 hours for the 3D printing process.

We can confidently say that the time these models take to be completed is next to nothing compared to the joy of 'seeing' your baby for the first time.

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