8 lives left: Cat pulled alive from rubble 5 days after Italy earthquake

Cat Survives Being Trapped Under Italy Earthquake Rubble For Five Days
Cat Survives Being Trapped Under Italy Earthquake Rubble For Five Days

A never-say-die cat has been pulled from debris alive, five days after a devastating earthquake rocked central Italy, killing nearly 300 people.

Read: Bloodied Woman Seen Pleading for Help From Beneath Rubble After Italy Earthquake Kills Dozens

It is nothing short of a miracle that the cat, named Gigia, survived the catastrophe. The dehydrated feline was discovered by firefighters.

The firefighters took bottles of water to give Gigia something to drink.

Video of the incident was posted on Facebook by the country's fire department — Vigili del Fuoco.

In the video, one woman, in typical Italian spirit, can be heard offering to make food for the sick cat.

Read: Girl, 10, Rescued From Rubble 17 Hours After Devastating Italy Earthquake

See incredible images from the Italy earthquake:

Members of ENPA, Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali — the Italian equivalent of the ASPCA — have been caring for Gigia. She, along with other animals that were found in the rubble, including a pregnant cow, are being cared for at a makeshift veterinary hospital in the area.

Gigia is expected to survive.

Watch: Heart-Wrenching Photo Shows Cat Holding Its Owner's Hand on Final Visit to the Vet

Heartbreaking Photo Shows Cat Grasping Owner's Hand On Last Ride to Vet
Heartbreaking Photo Shows Cat Grasping Owner's Hand On Last Ride to Vet
