Scientists say woolly mammoth will return

Scientists Say Woolly Mammoth Will Return
Scientists Say Woolly Mammoth Will Return

By: Josh King

Woolly mammoths are coming back and we don't mean another "Ice Age" movie sequel.

Scientists are suggesting that bringing the woolly mammoth back from the dead, as well as other extinct species, is only a matter of time.

SEE ALSO: Researchers say the last woolly mammoths died out due to thirst

The concept of animal de-extinction has long been in the works and the Union for Conservation of Nature has even issued its first guidelines in extinct species resurrection.

The important issue facing scientists is how to return these extinct species to their natural habitat.

The grassland ecosystem that the mammoth once thrived in is very different in today's times. However, scientists believe the habitat can be recreated.

Scientists have proposed only resurrecting species that have recently gone extinct and would therefore be able to more seamlessly fit back into the ecosystem.

As the conversation carries on, scientists believe that de-extinction of certain animals could greatly benefit ecological communities.

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