White rice and pasta are actually not as unhealthy as we thought


White Rice and Pasta Might Not Be as Unhealthy as Previously Thought
White Rice and Pasta Might Not Be as Unhealthy as Previously Thought

By: Alyse Barker

New research has found that eating carbs, like white rice or pasta, could actually help you control your weight.

While you might have read that eating lots of carbs will make you pack on the pounds, not all carbs are created equally.

Our bodies absorb refined carbohydrates, such as white bread or cookies, very quickly and end up storing them for energy, not burning them. But resistant starches, named because they resist being absorbed, can actually make you feel full more quickly.

The study, published in the journal Nutrition, found that, if combined with a protein such as hard-boiled eggs or greek yogurt, those resistant starches can help you feel and stay full.

More examples of refined starches include bananas, whole grains and beans. So now you can enjoying carbing out and not feeling guilty!

Scroll through for delicious pasta recipes:

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