Dog-sized rodents are swarming in Florida

Rodents The Size Of Dogs Taking Up Residence In Florida
Rodents The Size Of Dogs Taking Up Residence In Florida

Florida has always been known for its interesting wildlife -- from pythons to exotic fish to panthers.

The state's latest pest is a lot cuter and a lot less dangerous.

The capybara, a large rodent that's about as big as a dog and can weigh up to 100 pounds, is beginning to take over the area.

According to Orlando Sentinel, the animal is actually pretty friendly. The only bite if people touch them too much.

The first sightings of the capybara started decades ago, but populations have expanded.

Officials say they are concerned that an 'invasive species' incident is beginning.

Motherboard reports that no one really knows why the capybara, which is native to South America, has ended up in Florida.

RELATED: Capybaras may infiltrate the U.S.:

Capybaras May Invade the U.S.
Capybaras May Invade the U.S.
