Student reprimanded for wearing cardigan to class

Hernando Student Given Warning for Wearing Sleeveless Shirt Under Zip-Up Jacket
Hernando Student Given Warning for Wearing Sleeveless Shirt Under Zip-Up Jacket

Tessa Wisloh was wearing a long-sleeved sweater when she got in trouble for violating her school's dress code.

The 17-year-old senior high school student from Florida did not remove her jacket when she was asked, according to ABC Action News.

Beneath the zip-up, she was wearing a sleeveless shirt.

Though she wasn't showing any skin, someone from the school said she was technically violating dress code.

She was given a verbal warning, and it will remain on her permanent record.

Cathy Dofka, who helps enforce and interpret the Student Code of Conduct, told ABC that as long as students are not showing any skin, jackets and cardigans are OK to wear to school over a sleeveless shirt.

"It's a little upsetting as a parent to think that my daughter is now getting harassed at school and asked to remove an article of clothing for something that just seems preposterous," Frank Wisloh told ABC. "We live in Florida. It's 90 some odd degrees, and it's hot."

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