Mama bear runs after cubs who fall down waterfall

Mama Bear Runs After Cubs Who Fall Down Waterfall
Mama Bear Runs After Cubs Who Fall Down Waterfall

By Gillian Pensavalle, Buzz60

A worrying video of a couple of bear cubs living in Katmai National Park in Alaska was captured by

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The slip-up started when two cubs fell over the edge of the waterfall. Their poor mother was standing on the sidelines, terrified.

She was so worried that her jaw literally dropped -- a dropped jaw is a clear sign of anxiety in bears.

This mama can't be blamed, though. She rushed to her cubs, likely fearing the worst.

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Fortunately, as the video pans out, we see there was nothing to worry about.

Though all was well, this is just another example of how bears are more like humans than we may realize.

Little ones are always worrying their mama!
