Purple Heart veteran starts online campaign to send Trump to war zone

A veteran wants to send Donal Trump to war
A veteran wants to send Donal Trump to war

A Purple Heart is awarded to a soldier wounded or killed during active duty.

At a rally in Virginia, veteran Louis Dorfman gave Donald Trump his Purple Heart. Trump's response was controversial, "I've always wanted to get a Purple Heart. This was much easier."

Trump has faced scrutiny for dodging the draft multiple times and for criticizing war heroes.

Afghanistan veteran Cameron Kerr wasn't pleased with the Trump's comments. He's started a GoFundMe campaign to send Trump to a war zone, so the candidate can actually "earn" a Purple Heart.

So far, the online campaign has raised over $58 thousand in donations.

Although Kerr admits sending Trump to a war zone may not be realistic, he plans to redirect the money to a cause Trump may oppose, Syrian refugees.

See more Purple Heart recipients:

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