17 grammar mistakes you really need to stop correcting, like now

Grammar Snobs Are Patronising, Pretentious and Just Plain Wrong
Grammar Snobs Are Patronising, Pretentious and Just Plain Wrong

We all want to use words in a way that makes us sound professional so that they'll perhaps have a positive impact on our long-term success. Yet caring too much about words can lead some of us to fall into an easy trap: becoming overly critical of the words other people use.

If you're a teacher, maybe this doesn't apply to you; it's your job to correct students' grammar. But, some of us--even professional writers--need to turn it down a notch.

(Bonus content:The Big Free Book of Success, my free e-book, which you can download here.)

So, if you want to avoid becoming known as a hyper-corrective jerk, start accepting some of these minor errors in other people's diction. Here 17 of the most obvious.

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